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Skylet's Dream; A Holiday Show with Artist Ashley Vogel

An alchemy of passions in interior design, fine art, yoga, and meditation has culminated in the creation of Ashley’s sacred dream catchers. Handmade with care in Colorado, the materials are sustainably sourced as much as possible. An intention is dropped into the artist’s meditations for each piece and brought into the 3-D form through divine flow. Ashley is excited to bring these offerings to her hometown of Grand Rapids.
Custom orders are available upon request.

Ashley's Bio:
A midwest girl at heart, Ashley grew up 30 minutes from the shores of Lake Michigan in Grand Rapids, studied in Chicago and has explored many corners of the world fueled by a curiosity for other cultures, architecture, and living in the moment. After 12 years of running her interior design business, writing and modeling, Ashley is now following her passions in art, photography, pottery, dance, yoga, and meditation. Ashley enjoys life in Colorado with her husband and pets, spending time in nature, connecting with community, and exploring how to be a kid again. Offering guidance in mandala and dream catcher creation, meditation, breath work practices, and yoga, Ashley is moved by inspiring others to connect to their own creative energy to live their best life.
Please visit Skylet’s Dream Facebook page for more information.